Welcome to Collectionstorage.com!

Welcome To CollectionStorage.com!

Hello and welcome to a dedicated source for providing information on handling and storage for your favorite books, comic books, magazines, vinyl records, posters, prints and more!

To help you navigate CollectionStorage.com a little easier, below is a helpful category guide to direct you towards the specific information you may need.

Note: Any green text on the site will link you to the section or item it’s related to.

Main Categories

Handling & Storage Preparation – This section provides information on how to clean, handle and properly prepare your collectable items for safe, long-term storage. Bags, boards, sleeves, covers, archival paper, cleaning, repairing and more are featured in this section.

Storage Tips & Tricks – This section will provide helpful tips and tricks to keep in mind when preparing an area to store your collectables in, as well as overall care for your items. Ways to store you items correctly, harmful products and areas to avoid, and simple ways to keep items organized, are just some of the examples.

Storage Solutions – This section provides information about multiple storage products and items that will keep your collection safe, accessible, and visually appealing. Binders, portfolios, cases, crates, boxes, shelving units, cabinets and more are featured in this section.

Helpful Check List – This section provides a helpful check list for each category, breaking out the items that will be useful for handling and storing your collection.

Sidebar Categories

Affiliates – This page houses affiliates of CollectionStorage.com, who can provide you service for products you’re in search of.

Links – This page provides links to great resources and friends of CollectionStorage.com

About – This page explains the creation of CollectionStorage.com

Contact – This page will provide a contact form that will help you get in touch with CollectionStorage.com, for any questions or concerns.

Tips and ideas on how to store your favorite books, comic books, magazines, vinyl records, posters and more!